The campaign to scale up night trains

Too few night trains run in Europe right now. Our demand: that the EU organise the procurement of a new fleet of night trains. This will allow cross-border overnight services to be swiftly scaled up.

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Latest News

Rolling stock for a new night train: even SBB and ÖBB have plenty of difficulties

As we reported yesterday, Swiss railways SBB are keen to increase their night train offer. But they, like every other player in this market, have the same rolling stock problems to overcome as anyone else. In this post we are […]

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SBB boss Vincent Ducrot talks about the future of night trains to/from Switzerland

Tagesanzeiger Sonntagszeitung features a long interview with boss of Swiss Railways SBB Vincent Ducrot – you can read the whole interview here (free registration required). The headline strikes us as slightly off. “Nachtzüge werden nie profitabel sein” “Night trains will never […]

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The future of night trains in Iberia

Trains for Europe – at least initially – focuses on night trains on standard gauge lines in Europe. That means that for the Iberian peninsula different solutions are needed. In this guest post, João Cunha explains the current situation with […]

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BaWü Transport Minister Hermann is right – “rail isn’t always a viable alternative” – not yet anyway

How Germany makes the transition to a carbon neutral economy is becoming a major topic in the election campaign for September’s Bundestag election. The extent to which banning or stopping certain behaviours is legitimate, or whether persuading people to change […]

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Von der Leyen promises €85bn for sustainable transport – night train rolling stock would be an ideal use for it!

Speaking in the European Parliament earlier this week, President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen set out some details of European Union Member States’ post-COVID national recovery and resilience plans, and gave some details of the scale of […]

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We support Trains for Europe

Kendra Stenberg

A European citizen who cares for the planet

No Fly Travel Club

As a responsible travel business, we believe rail travel is the only way to make travel truly green

Peter Cornelius

Political campaigning for night trains is needed! Based in Berlin

Martin Speer

Author, FreeInterrail / DiscoverEUInitiator, Berlin

Noam Schaulin

Politically active traffic planning student and passionate night train traveler. Basel, Switzerland

Andy Rear

Insurance entrepreneur and regular rail traveller

Tatiana Metcalf-Riener

Trains and night trains are a really useful transport system around the world and need to expand.

Sony Kapoor

Oslo-based economist

Gereon tho Pesch

Studying Geography and Economics & passionate about European rail travel

Katalin Cseh

Member of the European Parliament, Momentum Movement / Renew Europe, Hungary