The campaign to scale up night trains
Too few night trains run in Europe right now. Our demand: that the EU organise the procurement of a new fleet of night trains. This will allow cross-border overnight services to be swiftly scaled up.
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Germanwatch report on European trains travel
Berlin-based NGO Germanwatch has published a new report about train travel in Europe, in German – you can read the report here. The focus is heavily on what Germany should do, with an eye on the 26th September Bundestag election. […]
Read MoreWe support Trains for Europe
Katalin Cseh
Member of the European Parliament, Momentum Movement / Renew Europe, Hungary
Tatiana Metcalf-Riener
Trains and night trains are a really useful transport system around the world and need to expand.
Anna Deparnay-Grunenberg
Member of the European Parliament – Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, Germany (European Greens)
Passenger federation Fahrgastverband PRO BAHN, Germany
Siddharth Sareen
Having travelled 300,000+ kilometres by train on three continents, I want better options in Europe!
Jakop Dalunde
Member of the European Parliament – Miljöpartiet, Sweden (European Greens)
The Mobility Heroes
The Mobility Heroes is a consultancy firm dedicated to removing barriers to sustainable travel
Richard Hunt
Retired advertising executive, regular night sleeper customer, based in Prague
Gergő Illés
Young European railway enthusiast, currently researching Central European railway markets
Nils Jocher
Night trains are a fast and climate-friendly option to connect people all over Europe. We need them! Based in Basel.