To become a supporter of Trains for Europe please use this form. This means that we will use your name, description of your role, and your picture on the Homepage of the site, and possibly also in future on a dedicated Supporters page.

Our aim is not at present to show that our idea has mass support (that might come at a later stage), but to show that people across all walks of life and professions see the need for the EU to act on this issue. Young and old, single people and families, those politically active and not, and those somehow connected to railways and not are all welcome to indicate their support.

Your data will not be used for any purpose other than display on the site and – if you confirm you are OK with that – we might forward information to you about media opportunities to explain why you think the EU solving the night trains problem is a good idea.

For general contact queries please use this form instead.

Supporter form

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    Photos used on this page

    Metropolitan Transportation Authority of the State of New York
    Clark Street Tube Fix&Fortify Repairs
    June 16, 2018
    License: Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)